It’s a well-known fact that you can catch a lot of things from a simple kiss, such as a cold, or feelings for your fellow smoocher. But did you know that you may even catch a cavity from kissing? Before you pucker up under the mistletoe, your dentist in Charlottesville… Read More…
There are some key differences between plaque and tartar, and it’s easy for your dentist in Charlottesville to tell them apart. However, how different are these two things that sound awfully similar to each other? Well, the truth is, they’re not that different, but they can affect your teeth in… Read More…
It may seem odd to hear your dentist in Charlottesville talk about dementia. However, recent research suggests that your dentist may be the person to do just that. According to a study conducted by the National Institute on Aging, gum disease may play a key role in the development of… Read More…
Most of us know the feeling of a numb mouth all too well. We also know just how difficult it can be to eat or drink while you’re waiting to get your feeling back. Finding comfortable foods can get even more difficult after certain dental procedures, such as wisdom teeth… Read More…
Has wearing a facemask caused you to change the way you breathe? Unless you’re a professional painter or a doctor, you’re probably not used to wearing a facemask at all, let alone for extended periods of time. As a result, you’ve probably accidentally started breathing out of your mouth instead… Read More…
An article recently published by the New York Times details one dentist’s experience seeing an increase of patients with cracked teeth over the past few months. What could be causing this? Well, all of our lives have been flipped upside down and shaken up this year, and this can cause… Read More…
Nobody wants to experience tooth loss, but the truth is, millions of Americans are missing one or even all of their teeth, according to the American College of Prosthodontists. While tooth loss can be caused by any number of things such as gum disease, trauma, or decay, your dentist in… Read More…
In the past few years, many people have been ditching cow’s milk for other often plant-based alternatives such as soy milk. While your dentist in Charlottesville certainly understands the appeal of this lower-calorie milk option, we do want to make sure that we examine the potential effects from an oral… Read More…
Nobody enjoys the feeling of a dry mouth or all of the side effects that go along with it. The desert-dry feeling, the stickiness of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, and of course the bad breath are all related to a dry mouth. But dry mouth is… Read More…
There’s something comforting about getting outside and soaking up the summer sun. After all, it’s warm, it helps improve our mood, and, as your dentist in Charlottesville knows, it can also help protect our teeth. It’s true. The overall and oral health benefits of getting out into the sun every… Read More…
Oral piercings have been popular for years and are a way that many people choose to express themselves. Most commonly, oral piercings are found on the tongue, lip, or cheeks. While many may consider these piercings cool or trendy, there are several reasons why your dentist in Charlottesville is wary… Read More…
It’s important to brush and floss your teeth every day to maintain good oral health. But what does it mean when your gums hurt afterward? Is it normal for gums to be sore or even bleed while flossing or shortly after flossing? Let’s check in with your dentist in Charlottesville… Read More…
There’s a medical condition that affects over 39 million Americans. It has no known cause, no known cure, and treatment can vary in success from person to person. We’re talking about migraines and for a good reason. June is National Migraine & Headache Awareness Month, a time for medical professionals,… Read More…
You’ll always hear your dentist in Charlottesville talk about the importance of brushing and flossing your teeth to maintain a healthy mouth. But it may come as a surprise to you to hear your dentist talk about the benefits of chewing gum. That’s exactly what we’re here to do. However,… Read More…
May is Asthma Awareness Month, a time when both healthcare professionals and asthma patients come together to raise awareness of the common chronic disease, as well as share things that can improve asthma sufferers’ lives. Your dentist in Charlottesville may seem like an odd person to talk about asthma, but… Read More…
Dental emergencies can be scary and painful. Most often, these emergencies are a result of an unexpected accident, but other times they can be avoided by taking certain preventive measures. Join your dentist in Charlottesville as we share some easy ways you can reduce your risk of a dental emergency. … Read More…
As we’re all adjusting to this temporary new way of living and the #stayathome life, your dentist in Charlottesville wants to remind you to not only focus on taking care of your overall health but also your oral health. The truth is, since our oral health plays a key role… Read More…
You’ve probably heard your dentist in Charlottesville talk about just how important it is to have a dental cleaning and checkup at least twice a year. But why are these regular visits so important? After all, you brush your teeth every day. Isn’t that enough? The truth is, even if… Read More…
Every March is recognized as National Nutrition Month and is sponsored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Its purpose is to raise awareness of just how important it is to eat healthily. But good nutrition doesn’t only benefit our bodies, it can also help protect your oral health. Join… Read More…
When we talk about a proper oral hygiene routine (and we sure do talk about it a lot!), we often put most of the focus on caring for your teeth. While brushing and flossing your teeth are important parts of maintaining a healthy mouth, there’s one part of your hygiene… Read More…
If you’re unhappy with the way your smile looks, you may be considering cosmetic dentistry. But as your dentist in Charlottesville knows, cosmetic dentistry is really just a broad term that actually describes a variety of dental treatments that can enhance the appearance of your smile. Knowing what options are… Read More…
Have you ever found yourself laying in bed, trying to get comfortable, and you randomly think, “where am I supposed to rest my tongue?” Surprisingly, this is a very real and very common thought many people have but may not share. If you’re one of those people, you’re in luck… Read More…
As published in The Daily Progress on December 23, 2019. Original posting here: By TYLER HAMMEL | (434) 978-7268 Dr. Jack Kayton “has a tremendous sense of duty and an amazing sense of humor; he makes the whole room laugh at every board meeting,” said Colleen Keller, executive… Read More…
Almost all of us have experienced the annoyance and pain associated with tooth sensitivity. In fact, the Academy of General Dentistry estimates that 40 million American adults have sensitive teeth. That’s quite a lot of people who suffer from those unexpected zings of nerve pain every day. So many, in… Read More…
If you’ve surfed the internet at all over the last few years, chances are you’ve seen claims of how certain DIY smile whitening treatments can transform your teeth. While we understand how tempting it can be to try these easy and affordable trends to get a brighter, whiter smile, your… Read More…
Tooth loss is, unfortunately, incredibly common. In fact, more than 36 million Americans don’t have any natural teeth. For these people, dentures can be an excellent solution. Dentures not only replace teeth, they can also help restore confidence and the lives of those who get them. However, your dentist in… Read More…
We know it’s a pretty gross thing to talk about, but to your dentist in Charlottesville, spit is a pretty important part of oral health. Even though it may be considered rude to spit, or maybe to even talk about it, this extra saliva plays a key role in keeping… Read More…
On November 14, the world will celebrate World Diabetes Day, a momentous occasion that serves to bring awareness to the seriousness of diabetes. In fact, more than 30 million Americans alone are living with the disease. But why is your dentist in Charlottesville talking about a disease that affects the… Read More…
This time of year, there’s football and Halloween fun festivities. There’s also a lot of fright and anxiety going on, and your dentist in Charlottesville isn’t referring to haunted houses and ghosts. We’re talking to the patients who genuinely dread having a dental appointment looming on their calendar like a… Read More…
We know it’s October, and we don’t really want to talk about it, but the holidays will soon be here. We already know one of the biggest fall favorites is Halloween, coming at the end of this month. Your dentist in Charlottesville knows that this is the time of year… Read More…
Have you ever heard someone talk about the connection between your body, mind, and soul? Your dentist in Charlottesville thinks that maybe our mouths should be included with this special connection, too. The fact is that current research and dental technologies are continuing to evolve and improve. As this happens,… Read More…
If there’s one thing your dentist in Charlottesville will tell you after losing a filling, it’s don’t panic. We know that having a dental restoration come loose or fall out can be annoying, and even a bit painful. If you’ve lost a filling, you’re probably trying to figure out what… Read More…
We all know that traditional smoking can put us at increased risk for many serious health concerns such as heart disease and cancer. But what about these newer, ‘safer’ electronic cigarettes that claim to help people quit smoking or at least cause fewer health risks? As it turns out, these… Read More…
As we get closer to Senior Citizens Day on August 21st, our dental office in Charlottesville wanted to dedicate a blog to some of our most treasured and favorite patients — our seniors and their families. Today, we’ll focus on some of the most common oral health risks that tend… Read More…
Even though our teeth are made up of one of the toughest materials in our bodies, the truth is, sometimes our natural teeth won’t last forever. Whether it’s due to trauma, gum disease, or decay, it’s not uncommon to have a tooth fall out or to have one removed. If… Read More…
That time has come again. It’s time to see your dentist in Charlottesville. But this time can be different. Whether it’ll be the first time visiting a new office or you’ve been going to the same dentist for many years, there are a few things you can do ahead of… Read More…
Summer is officially here, and the team at our dental office in Charlottesville is ready to soak up the sun and enjoy those long summer nights with family and friends. Besides sunshine and warm days, summer also tends to come with picnics, weddings, and other events packed with yummy foods…. Read More…
Like any type of emergency, a dental emergency can be serious, and you should act quickly. But not all dental emergencies require the same type of treatment. Knowing what to do if you have a dental emergency is key to successful treatment and easing any pain you have. At our… Read More…
It’s very rare that a day goes by at our Charlottesville dental office where we don’t rely on the power of x-rays to help us plan for or even complete a case. We’re able to get a good look at everything from your teeth and gums to your jaw bone… Read More…
We all know the old advertising slogan – “Milk. It does a body good.” This is mainly in part because it’s rich in calcium, a nutrient that’s vital to helping your teeth and bones stay strong enough to last a lifetime. At our Charlottesville dental office, we always want you… Read More…
Have you ever wished that your teeth were whiter? We understand. We all want a bright, white smile that we’re happy to show off to the world. But many things can cause tooth discoloration — from your daily cup of coffee to your nightcap glass of red wine, or delicious… Read More…
This month is Oral Cancer Awareness Month — a month-long dedication to increasing the public’s knowledge of this serious and scary disease. At our dental office in Charlottesville, we’re all about doing whatever we can to help keep our neighbors healthy, so we’re spreading the word about just how serious… Read More…
Bruxism is just a medical term for grinding or clenching your teeth, usually while you’re asleep. That’s what makes teeth grinding hazardous to your oral and overall health, because there’s a good chance you don’t even know you’re doing it! Our dental office in Charlottesville is here to help you… Read More…
In honor of National Nutrition Month, we thought now is the perfect time to talk a little about the changes you can make to your diet that can help to improve not only your oral health but your overall health too. At our dental office in Charlottesville, we always recommend… Read More…
Everyone has experienced a bout of bad breath at least once in their life. Whether it was caused by a particularly potent meal, your daily cup of morning coffee, or maybe something unknown, bad breath is something that goes beyond embarrassment. In fact, the team at our dental office in… Read More…
There’s nothing quite like the discomfort of a toothache, and yet, there’s actually an entire day dedicated to them. February 9th is recognized as National Toothache Day, and in honor of this strange holiday, our dental office in Charlottesville is sharing some of the best ways you can make an… Read More…
Wisdom teeth are often a topic of concern for many patients, and we get asked a lot of questions about these sometimes pesky teeth. How do you know if you need to have your wisdom teeth removed? What happens if you don’t extract wisdom teeth? Does the procedure hurt? We… Read More…
If you have questions about dentistry, you’re not alone. At our dental office in Charlottesville, we love answering questions from our patients and neighbors in order to help them get a strong, healthy smile. Let’s take a look at four of the most common questions we get asked. Are Dental… Read More…
As we prepare to enter the new year, people all over the world are making resolutions to get healthier. Whether that means going to the gym more often or eating healthier, the team at our Charlottesville dental office wants to get involved by helping you set realistic resolutions. Here are… Read More…
So you’ve been told you need to have a tooth extracted. Going through this treatment may even sound appealing if you’ve been suffering from tooth pain. But the team at our dental office in Charlottesville wants you to know that you may have another option available. Consider a Root Canal… Read More…
Protecting your smile and maintaining good oral health goes beyond daily brushing and flossing. In fact, many things that cause tooth damage are a result of the things we do every day, sometimes multiple times a day, without realizing it. The team at our dental office in Charlottesville wants you… Read More…
Quitting smoking may be one of the hardest things some people ever have to do. But the health benefits of kicking the habit sooner rather than later are worth the effort. This November, the American Cancer Society is sponsoring the Great American Smokeout to help provide smokers with tools and… Read More…
Pumpkins can easily pull off the look of a crooked grin, missing teeth, and a devilish smile. But when it comes to our own teeth, we prefer to have them straight and white, and we really don’t want to see gaps. That’s why our dental office in Charlottesville offers multiple… Read More…
It’s National Dental Hygiene Month at our Charlottesville dental office and dental offices around the country! This celebration is dedicated to all dental hygienists and serves to recognize these valued team members and everything they do to keep our patients healthy. These 31 days are also for promoting the importance… Read More…
Bad breath is an incredibly common thing that we hear about everyday at our dental office in Charlottesville. Affecting nearly 80 million Americans, bad breath can be embarrassing and affect the lives of those who have it. But bad breath sufferers don’t need to live that way forever. There are… Read More…
Eating a healthy dose of whole grains every day can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity, and even cancer. But there’s another lesser known benefit of whole grains that our dental office in Charlottesville wants you to know about. Research has shown that a diet rich in… Read More…
We all want to have a smile that we’re happy with and proud to show off. However, if your smile isn’t as white as you’d like it to be you may choose to hide your grin behind tightly closed lips. At our dental office in Charlottesville, we can help transform… Read More…
Talking about spit isn’t incredibly glamorous, but it sure is important. Especially for those who produce too much of it. When someone has too much saliva, they may be embarrassed and uncomfortable by the common side effects of something called hypersalivation. At our dental office Charlottesville, we want these patients… Read More…
If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your smile, there are a wide variety of cosmetic dentistry treatments that can transform your look. At our dental office in Charlottesville, we’ve helped many patients restore their confidence by restoring their smiles through cosmetic dentistry. One of the most common cosmetic dentistry… Read More…
Electric toothbrushes have been gaining popularity over recent years, and many claim to remove more plaque, tartar, and bacteria than traditional manual toothbrushes. But the team at our dental office in Charlottesville wanted to find out if these promises are actually true. Here’s what we know… According to the ADA… Read More…
Getting older is a natural part of life, and as we age our healthcare needs tend to change. Oral health is no different. Our dental office in Charlottesville is committed to protecting smiles through every stage of life, and this month we want to dedicate our blog to the seniors… Read More…
The truth is, men are more likely to skip the recommended bi-annual visits to the dentist. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, many American men simply don’t go to the dentist unless they have a problem. However, by maintaining dental appointments twice-a-year they can prevent many of these problems… Read More…
There are 1,440 minutes in a day. Dedicating four of those minutes to brushing your teeth will not only help protect your smile and keep your breath fresh, but it can also protect your overall health. While brushing your teeth may seem like a pretty simple task, there are a… Read More…
At our dental office in Charlottesville, we know that there are a lot of things that can affect oral health — from genetics to tobacco use, to not brushing enough to eating too much sugar. But can your allergies actually be one of those things that puts you at increased… Read More…
At your bi-annual dental appointments, you most likely have dental x-rays taken. While these images are an important diagnostic tool, just what are they showing and why are they important? At our dental office in Charlottesville, we don’t want any patient to have anything done and not know why. That’s… Read More…
Every year, we dedicate one of our April blogs to help do our part for Oral Cancer Awareness Month. Oral cancer may not be talked about as much as other forms of the disease, but it’s still a very serious form of cancer that affects thousands of Americans every year…. Read More…
At our dental office in Charlottesville, we occasionally have a patient who is concerned with a recurring dream where they lose their teeth. Sometimes one tooth becomes curiously loose and just pops right out. Other times the whole mouth of teeth begins to crumble, leading to a totally toothless smile…. Read More…
The luck of Irish tends to be with everyone during St. Patrick’s Day, whether or not there’s an ounce of Irish in them. Besides wearing a lot of green, one of the most common ways to celebrate this holiday is by drinking a lot of beer. At our dental office… Read More…
February is recognized as American Heart Health Month and is designed to raise awareness of the widespread problem of heart disease in the United States. While this is certainly a valuable promotion, what does it have to do with our Charlottesville dental office? We’re glad you asked. Join us as… Read More…
When we think of things that cause cavities, we typically imagine a diet packed full of sugary sweet treats. But our dental office in Charlottesville wants you to know that eating a lot of sugar isn’t the only thing that increases your risk of developing cavities. In fact, there are… Read More…
The charcoal toothpaste craze seems to be everywhere, and it also seems like everyone is using it to finally get the white smile they’ve always dreamed of. But can this messy black stuff that looks like it’s sure to stain teeth actually whiten them? The team at our dental office… Read More…
A little too crooked or a little too gapped… a smidge too yellow or a lot not right… there are plenty of reasons you may be unhappy with your smile. If you’re one of the many people who doesn’t like your smile, you’ve come to the right place. The wide… Read More…
check my site viagra 100 mg check my site viagra 100 mgWe are all aware that there are certain foods your dentist in Charlottesville just isn’t a big fan of. These foods typically include super sweet candies and treats, popcorn with hidden damaging kernels, and of course sugary sodas and… Read More…
Nobody wants to struggle with the embarrassment of bad breath. But during this time of year it may seem like a bigger deal than normal. With all the close-talking at holiday parties and potential surprise moments under the mistletoe, bad breath can damper anyone’s good time. At our dental office… Read More…
Thanksgiving is day dedicated to giving thanks for all that we have in our lives. The typical thankful sentiments of life, health, family, and friends usually top the list. This Thanksgiving, the team at our Charlottesville dental office wants to give you one more thing to be thankful for, something… Read More…
‘Tis the season of sniffles and coughs, body aches and congestion. It’s officially the time of year when the flu can make for a miserable few days. But it doesn’t have to take its toll on you or your family. Our dental office in Charlottesville is here to help you… Read More…
A root canal tends to create a lot of apprehension and fear in many patients. After all, the treatment has had plenty of bad things said about it in the past, and its inaccurate reputation of being scary and incredibly painful has stuck with it throughout the years. However, the… Read More…
This Halloween season is just like any other — packed with costume preparations, decorating with ghosts and pumpkins, and preparing for a night of trick-or-treating. At our dental office in Charlottesville, we love all the fun that Halloween brings to our patients and neighbors. But as you may have guessed,… Read More…
Whether you work a typical 9 – 5, Monday through Friday job, or your schedule typically varies, the truth is Americans spend quite a bit of time at work each week. No matter what your job responsibilities are, several of the most common workplace habits can affect almost every type… Read More…
Most of us will experience the unpleasant sensation of tooth pain at least once in our lives. And as anyone who has had a toothache before will tell you, it’s pretty unbearable. Tooth pain is unlike any other kind of pain. It can come on suddenly and sometimes it seems… Read More…
When we think of probiotics, we typically think of how they can aid in keeping the stomach healthy. But at our dental office in Charlottesville, we became aware of how some probiotics can assist oral health, too. Let’s take a closer look at the research that supports the idea that… Read More…
Every six months or so you come into our dental office in Charlottesville to have your bi-annual teeth cleaning. This typically means a little bit of gentle scraping to remove plaque buildup, a thorough flossing, and a finishing polish. While one purpose for these hygiene visits is indeed to get… Read More…
We all know that we should exercise regularly to keep our bodies healthy. At our dental office in Charlottesville, we also know that exercising can be beneficial for our smiles. However, just like too much exercise or improper form can lead to injuries or trouble with overall health, we also… Read More…
During your appointments at our Charlottesville dental office, you may have heard your dental team talk about “occlusion”, and you may have thought to yourself, “What are they talking about?” Basically, occlusion is just a dentist’s way of describing the way your top teeth come in contact with your bottom… Read More…
Have you been feeling a little off or just not yourself? When you’re not your best, you might be able to figure out why by simply sticking out your tongue. When you visit my dental office in Charlottesville, we’re always on the lookout for any bumps or discolorations, just like… Read More…
By now you probably know that the human body is made up of mostly water, and we need to drink plenty of it each day just to keep our organs and other important parts functioning properly. At my dental office in Charlottesville, we understand how important it is to stay… Read More…
Nail biting is a habit that can affect not only the appearance of your nails, it can also cause damage to your oral health. As with any habit, nail biting can be difficult to break, but at our dental office in Charlottesville, we’re hoping that by providing our patients some… Read More…
If you’ve ever been to your dentist in Charlottesville and experienced several gentle pokes to your gums followed by hearing some numbers, you’ve had what’s called a periodontal charting. This charting is helpful when evaluating overall oral health and can give your dental team some insight to a proper treatment… Read More…
Using tobacco products of any kind can not only have a detrimental effect on your overall health, there are multiple oral health diseases and problems that can also occur from the habit. Smokeless tobacco, also referred to as, dip, chew, spit, or snuff, is no exception. During this Oral Cancer… Read More…
Frenectomies aren’t all that common in adults, but there are specific instances when the team at our Charlottesville dental office may recommend one to an adult patient. But why exactly would a frenectomy be needed, and what is it? We’re here to talk all about frenectomies and the benefits behind… Read More…
Wisdom teeth are often first seen on x-rays conducted during regular appointments at our Charlottesville dental office. Most often, we can see them as they’re beginning to erupt through the gums. It’s also when we’re most likely to recommend that they be removed. In fact, about 90% of Americans get… Read More…
Having sensitive teeth can be brutal. The sharp, shooting pain that often accompanies tooth sensitivity can put a damper on enjoying favorite foods. At our dental office in Charlottesville, we don’t want any of our patients to suffer from sensitive teeth, but we understand that a lot of them do…. Read More…
You know the feeling. You’re happily chewing away on your lunch, talking with a coworker when all of a sudden, you hear a crunch. You feel the pain. You realize you’ve just bit your cheek (or lip, or tongue — doesn’t really matter, it all hurts!). This painful accident can… Read More…
Sugar is every dentist’s worst enemy. It negatively affects oral health and puts teeth at increased risk for decay, cavities, and can lead to more serious dental and overall health problems. At our dental office in Charlottesville, we care about our patients’ smiles and well being, which why we’re strong… Read More…
At my dental office in Charlottesville, we’re dedicated to caring for our neighbors’ smiles no matter what their needs may be. However, we’re limited to seeing only our human neighbors. But that doesn’t mean we can’t provide our animal-loving patients with a few pointers on dental care for their pets…. Read More…
The oral care aisle at your local supermarket is flooded with a rainbow of mouthwash choices and flavors. But what do they all mean? Can there be a right mouthwash for each individual need? At my dental office in Charlottesville, we think so, and we’re here to explain several options… Read More…
A Complete Transformation of Your Life and Smile Is your mouth full of issues, some big, some small, and you’re feeling overwhelmed? Think dentures are the only solution to address all of your dental problems and have a nice complete smile again? Think again. If your dentist has recommended a… Read More…
Everyone wants a white smile, but everyday habits can really take a toll on our teeth. Red wine, smoking, coffee, tea, and many other culprits have a tendency to transform our once pure white grins into dull, discolored smiles. The good news? It doesn’t have to be permanent. There are… Read More…
As time goes on, things change. Your smile is no different. Lifestyle factors like drinking red wine, smoking, or grinding your teeth can all have an affect on your grin and can add years to your appearance. Even old dental work can cause you to look older than you really… Read More…
Over the years, I’ve treated numerous patients with diabetes at my Charlottesville dental office. We always want every patient to make sure they’re taking great care of their teeth, but it’s important for folks with diabetes to be even more vigilant about maintaining their oral health care routines. Why? Unfortunately,… Read More…
Dr. Kayton and all of his wonderful staff are friendly, professional, and competent. I’ve sent friends and family to them for years.
Great, pain-free dentistry, and a wonderful group of people! My teeth and gums are in better shape than they were when I was far younger, thanks to the great teamwork of Dr. Kayton and his outstanding dental technicians! Two thumbs up!
Excellent visit as always!
Dr. Kayton and his team took good care of me and did a great job. I have my beautiful smile back!
What a great experience. It’s always difficult to find a good dentist when you move to a new area. I look forward to my next visit.
Prompt, congenial, well organized, professional, and patient friendly.
Dr. Kayton and his staff are professional, friendly, and caring people. Every experience with them has been superb. I highly recommend this practice.
I completely trusted Dr. Kayton. He offers the highest tech equipment, has the nicest staff and takes the time to make sure you understand his evaluation.
Painless dentistry. Dedicated and compassionate staff. Efficient. The most complicated dental work I have had has been done here; also the most pleasant and painless.