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Gum Disease

How to Reduce Tooth Pain
added on: June 10, 2024

Dealing with tooth pain can be an uncomfortable experience that disrupts daily life. Understanding what causes the toothache and how to manage it can help alleviate discomfort and prevent further complications. Remember, seeing your dentist in Charlottesville is always important if you’re experiencing any type of oral pain.  Common Causes… Read More…

Common Causes of Bad Breath and How to Tackle Them
added on: December 26, 2023

Bad breath, or halitosis, can be a cause of concern. While it’s not uncommon for people to experience occasional bad breath, persistent issues may indicate an underlying problem and require a visit to your dentist in Charlottesville. But what exactly causes bad breath and how can you address it? Poor… Read More…

Gum Disease May Lead to Colon Cancer
added on: March 3, 2023

Gum disease may seem like a condition that only affects oral health and should only be a concern for your dentist in Charlottesville. But the truth is, gum disease can impact several other areas of the body. In fact, the whole-body complications associated with gum disease, including heart disease, have… Read More…

Protect Your Gums, Protect Your Heart
added on: February 15, 2021
heart health month

February is the month of hearts. Candy hearts, chocolate hearts, flower hearts, and yes, even our actual hearts. In fact, February is American Heart Health Month, a time when health professionals come together to raise awareness of heart disease and talk about some habits to change to reduce the risk…. Read More…

Dementia & Dentistry: Decoding the Connection
added on: November 11, 2020
Dr. Jack T. Kayton

It may seem odd to hear your dentist in Charlottesville talk about dementia. However, recent research suggests that your dentist may be the person to do just that. According to a study conducted by the National Institute on Aging, gum disease may play a key role in the development of… Read More…

3 Tips for Understanding the Mouth/Body Connection
added on: September 23, 2019
wellness concept

Have you ever heard someone talk about the connection between your body, mind, and soul? Your dentist in Charlottesville thinks that maybe our mouths should be included with this special connection, too. The fact is that current research and dental technologies are continuing to evolve and improve. As this happens,… Read More…

Is Vaping Bad for Oral Health?
added on: August 19, 2019

We all know that traditional smoking can put us at increased risk for many serious health concerns such as heart disease and cancer. But what about these newer, ‘safer’ electronic cigarettes that claim to help people quit smoking or at least cause fewer health risks? As it turns out, these… Read More…

Oral Health Risks for Seniors
added on: August 9, 2019
seniors taking selfie

As we get closer to Senior Citizens Day on August 21st, our dental office in Charlottesville wanted to dedicate a blog to some of our most treasured and favorite patients — our seniors and their families. Today, we’ll focus on some of the most common oral health risks that tend… Read More…

How To Prevent Bad Breath
added on: February 19, 2019
bad breath

Everyone has experienced a bout of bad breath at least once in their life. Whether it was caused by a particularly potent meal, your daily cup of morning coffee, or maybe something unknown, bad breath is something that goes beyond embarrassment. In fact, the team at our dental office in… Read More…

Top Tips to Stop Smoking
added on: November 6, 2018
man smoking

Quitting smoking may be one of the hardest things some people ever have to do. But the health benefits of kicking the habit sooner rather than later are worth the effort. This November, the American Cancer Society is sponsoring the Great American Smokeout to help provide smokers with tools and… Read More…

What All Seniors Need to Know About Their Oral Health
added on: June 26, 2018
older gentleman

Getting older is a natural part of life, and as we age our healthcare needs tend to change. Oral health is no different. Our dental office in Charlottesville is committed to protecting smiles through every stage of life, and this month we want to dedicate our blog to the seniors… Read More…

3 Things All Men Need to Know About Their Oral Health
added on: June 6, 2018
stubborn man not listening

The truth is, men are more likely to skip the recommended bi-annual visits to the dentist. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, many American men simply don’t go to the dentist unless they have a problem. However, by maintaining dental appointments twice-a-year they can prevent many of these problems… Read More…

Can Oral Health Affect Your Heart?
added on: February 20, 2018
heart health month

February is recognized as American Heart Health Month and is designed to raise awareness of the widespread problem of heart disease in the United States. While this is certainly a valuable promotion, what does it have to do with our Charlottesville dental office? We’re glad you asked. Join us as… Read More…

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